Spa Waterfall
NEW! Balboa Waterfall for Spa Hot Tub
A hot tub waterfall adds to your spa experience. It enhances relaxation; it provides entertainment. This popular add-on is quickly becoming a fashionable accessory in today’s hot tub industry. And the good part is, waterfalls can be added to most existing hot tubs. By adding string lights, the experience becomes even better. You can choose from a variety of color schemes to create the perfect relaxing environment: slow or fast color wash, random and cross fade of cool and warm colors, a multitude of fixed or changing colors, or program the lights to synch to your entertainment system. Take a closer look at Balboa’s waterfall, from the company that millions have expected the best in spa products.
Features: • Set your own moods • Reduce installation time • Lights are easy to install • Available with custom color lid

» Spa Waterfall Sell Sheet
» Spa Waterfall Cutout Template
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