VGB Suctions

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The 256 GPM, 179 GPM and the 124 GPM suction fitting that meets the Virginia Graeme Baker
Pool and Spa Safety Act of 2008. The patented 256 GPM flow rated suction fitting has received
UL approval, while the 124 GPM suction is IAPMO listed with a flow rating of 124 GPM.
The extraordinary rating on both suctions is higher than any other equivalent sized suction
on the market prior to the VGB legislation.

The large 256 GPM and 179 GPM suction is about 5 inches (12.7cm) in diameter and the
124 GPM is about 3-3/4 inches (9.53cm) in diameter. The smaller size fits the smaller recesses
by reducing the need to modify any molds in order to make the larger suction fit. The smaller
hole has a size of 2-3/8 inches (6.03cm) with a flat gasket.

The 256 GPM suction requires an intermediary vacuum break piece that connects to 3/4” (1.9cm)
ID tubing,while the smaller 124 GPM suction product connects to 3/8” (.95cm). The tubing should be
positioned to rise up under the lip of the spa. When the suction cover is obstructed, air is pulled
through the tubing, cavitating the pump so it loses prime and water flow is minimized.

Balboa Water Group's VGB suctions are patented under U.S. Patent No. 8,191,183.

Suction Hole Sizes
 2" (5.08cm)
 256 GPM
 179 GPM
 124 GPM
 2.5" (6.35cm)
 256 GPM
 179 GPM

For more information on our VGB Suctions click here »

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NEW! 256GPM Suction Flow (See product descriptions click here)

» 256 GPM Suction Flow Installation Instructions Sheets

Suction Kit for 256GPM (39167-MG)
What is included in the Kit
1. VGB 256/179GPM Suction (30240U-MG)
2. Nut at 25ft/lbs (30239-XX)
3. Compensating Ring (30238-V)
4. 2" SPG x Custom SPX 3/4" SB (30167-V)
5. VGB 2008 Buttress Suction Fit (30341-BK)
6. Suction Gasket (30236-V)

179GPM Suction Flow
(See product descriptions click here)

» 179 GPM Suction Flow Installation Instructions Sheets

124GPM Suction Flow
(See product descriptions click here)
» 124 GPM Suction Flow Installation Instructions Sheets

256 GPM Suction Flow

256 GPM Suction Flow

179 GPM Suction Flow

179 GPM Suction Flow

124 GPM Suction Flow

124 GPM Suction Flow

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